Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is one of the serious complications that can occur during the IVF process. It is caused by excessive ovarian stimulation and is accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal bloating, pain, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, OHSS can be life-threatening, requiring careful attention. In these situations, acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments are being suggested as complementary therapies that can help in the prevention and treatment of OHSS.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments contribute to the improvement of the overall condition of OHSS patients. Acupuncture balances the autonomic nervous system, regulating endocrine function and enhancing immunity through its stress-relieving effects. Herbal medicine treatment protects liver and kidney function and alleviates digestive symptoms, aiding in the improvement of nutritional status.
Acupuncture treatment is effective in alleviating increased vascular permeability and inflammatory responses associated with OHSS. Stimulating acupoints related to OHSS improves the function of vascular endothelial cells, reducing capillary leakage and promoting smooth blood circulation. Furthermore, acupuncture contributes to the alleviation of OHSS symptoms by suppressing excessive inflammatory responses through its immunomodulatory effects.
Herbal medicine treatment directly acts on the pathological mechanisms of OHSS, aiding in symptom improvement. For example, Dang Gui Shao Yao San is one of the frequently used herbal formulas in the treatment of OHSS, consisting of various herbs such as Angelica sinensis, Paeonia lactiflora, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, Alisma orientalis, and Cnidium officinale. Angelica sinensis and Paeonia lactiflora reduce vascular permeability and inflammation, inhibiting the formation of ascites, while Cnidium officinale decreases fluid retention in the body through its diuretic action. Atractylodes macrocephala and Poria cocos strengthen the function of the spleen, promoting smooth fluid metabolism, and Alisma orientalis improves blood circulation along with its diuretic effect. Through the harmonious actions of these herbs, Dang Gui Shao Yao San approaches the main pathological mechanisms of OHSS from multiple angles, effectively alleviating symptoms.
Research findings suggesting that acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments can help in the prevention and treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) are as follows:
1. “Effects of acupuncture on the outcome of in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome” (Acupuncture in Medicine, 2013)
– In this study involving PCOS patients, the group receiving acupuncture treatment had a significantly lower incidence of OHSS compared to the control group.
2.“Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome after In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer” (Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020)
– In this study, patients who developed OHSS after IVF-ET were treated with herbal medicine. The herbal medicine treatment group showed significant improvements in OHSS symptoms and a shorter recovery time compared to the control group.
3.“The role of acupuncture in the management of subfertility” (Fertility and Sterility, 2008)
– This review article mentioned that acupuncture may help reduce the risk of OHSS during the IVF process.
4.“Clinical observation of the effect of modified Wuzi Yanzong Pill combined with acupuncture in the treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome” (Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2018)
– In this study, the combination of herbal medicine (modified Wuzi Yanzong Pill) and acupuncture significantly improved symptoms and blood test results in OHSS patients.
The mechanisms of action of acupuncture and herbal medicine in the prevention and treatment of OHSS are being validated from a modern medical perspective. For those at high risk of developing OHSS or suffering from OHSS symptoms during the IVF process, incorporating traditional Eastern medicine treatments can be beneficial.
However, as OHSS can be an emergency situation requiring prompt response, it is crucial to consult with professional medical staff and establish an appropriate treatment plan.