
Clare (Dongjoo) Park

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Clare (Dongjoo) Park

  • Pain Management
  • Women’s Health & Gynecology
  • Childhood & Youth Condition
  • Post-Injury & Rehabilitation
  • Cosmetic & Holistic therapies
  • Digestive & Nutritional Support

A Journey of Healing and Service

Guided by my parents’ enduring wisdom to “Use your talents to benefit others,” I embarked on my professional journey as an educator. My initial career goal was to nurture the holistic development of young minds, preparing them for their societal roles. After completing my a cademic pursuits in Korea, including college and graduate studies, I dedicated several year s to teaching high school students, helping them grow both physically and mentally.

Throughout my career in education, I have consistently contemplated what truly constitutes human happiness. As we experience various turning points in life from birth until death com pletes our journey, I believe that both physical and mental health become increasingly impor tant in this long journey.

Particularly, reducing pain for children from infancy through adolescence should be prioritiz ed and treated as crucial, not only to improve individual quality of life but also for the happin ess of families and society as a whole.

Of course, through studying traditional Chinese medicine and communicating with various patients in clinical settings, I've learned that as practitioners on the front lines, we must emp athize with individual pain and lead with personalized treatment methods to align the objecti ve reduction of symptoms with the subjective sense of individual well-being.


Practitioner at GreenLeaf Acupuncture and Herb Clinic


Practitioner at Paradise Chiropractic Health and Wellness
Practirioner at Olive Tree Wellness Clinic


Obtained Registered Acupuncturist of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Educational Background

Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbology program at Central College in BC

2021 - 2023

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture program at VaCC in BC

Major Workshop

Microneedling For Acupuncturists

Professional Membership

CCHPBC Registered Acupuncturist(R.Ac)

Registered member of Korean Oriental Medicine and Acupuncturist Association (KOMAA)

Registered member of American Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine Association (AAAMA)

  • Best of Vancouver 9 Years In a row

    We sincerely thank all your votes as the best of Vancouver in the last 9 years and we promise to bring you only the best acupuncture and herbal medicine continuously.

    Clinic Hours
    Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 7:00pm Saturday, Sunday & Holiday: Closed
    Phone: 604.322.0293 E-mail: [email protected]