Anxiety after a car accident
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are many things that can cause anxiety. A car accident is also one of them. Car accidents cause not only physical pain but also mental damage, such as insomnia and anxiety. These mental symptoms are called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
When I see a patient with PTSD, I always check the gallbladder meridian, which is responsible for making decisions and judgments. It is also responsible for providing courage and initiative. The gall bladder meridian also has an influence on one’s quality and length of sleep. Being in, or seeing, a serious car accident makes the gallbladder meridian weak. Therefore, a patient is easily distracted and has difficulty concentrating. He/she may also find it hard to make important decisions. Insomnia and anxiety are also the most common symptoms of having a weak gallbladder meridian.
Tom (false name) has been suffering from anxiety for 20 years after seeing a horrible car accident. Lately, his anxiety attacks have not been as strong as before. However he feels anxious when he is tired and or has been drinking alcohol. Caffeine and stress can also induce anxiety.
For Tom’s treatment I regulated his gall bladder meridian with acupuncture and I prescribed herbs formulated specifically for him, including Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Gan Cao, etc. After his third treatment, his anxiety started to subside. He drank alcohol a lot one day and felt anxiety only for one day. Other than that day of anxiety following heavier than normal drinking, his anxiety has almost gone. I have been treating him for 2 months.