Rhinitis Diagnosis & Treatment
A 23-year-old male named Mason, visited our clinic with symptoms of hay fever. Whenever the weather got cold, he experienced the following symptoms: a runny nose with clear mucus, sneezing, nasal congestion, and coughing. Symptoms got worse in the mornings after he woke up from sleep or when the weather was windy and chilly. However, the symptoms improved after taking warm showers or after exercising and sweating. He had phlegm that was not yellow and murky, but clear and watery. Sometimes the mucus ran down the back of his throat which made him very uncomfortable. He digested well and slept well. There was also no issue with his feces and bowel movement. He was relatively more sensitive to the cold than others.
Herbal medicine
Ma Huang
Treats symptoms of coughing and runny nose by extending bronchial smooth muscle and stabling excessive secretion of respiratory mucus.
Xi Xin
Treats symptoms of runny nose with clear mucus and forming of clear phlegm by stimulating blood flow in the lining of the bronchial tubes.
Ban Xia
Treats symptoms of coughing, forming of phlegm caused by excessive secretion of respiratory mucus.
Acupuncture for Rhinitis
Ying Xiang (LI 20)
Treats nasal congestion by reacting directly on the nose.
Lie Que (LU 7) and Zhao Hai (KI 6)
Stabilizes breathing by reacting on the throat and the chest.