Cure Depression & Insomnia By Treating Shortness of Breath
A 26-year-old woman, Mia, visited our clinic with symptoms of depression and insomnia. Ever since she was young, she always experienced symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder. She had issues falling asleep and when she did fall asleep, she slept usually around 5 AM. Therefore, she was often not able to go to school because she could not wake up in the morning. Some other symptoms she had are as follows: She experienced issues with digestion, and severe levels of bloating and nausea. Her chest and neck always felt heavy so she sighed often and avoided wearing clothes that were tight on the chest and neck. She often experienced shortness of breath and when breathing, she felt that the air was not reaching her lungs. Her lips were often dry and her eyes were dizzy. Her shoulders and neck were always stiff. Her legs often got swollen and felt very tired. Although her menstrual cycle was regular, her menstrual cramps were severe and often felt nauseous during menstruation.
Herbal medicine
Ju pi
Facilitates the function of the vagus nerve to increase the motility of the digestive tract, including the esophagus. It helps the food pass through the esophagus.
Sheng Jiang & Gin Seng
Treats symptoms of bloating and nausea by stimulating digestion.
Da zao
Treats shortness of breath by relieving hyper-tension in the muscles responsible for breathing.
In clinical trials, there are many cases where patients with neurological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia experience shortness of breath. These neurological symptoms often improve rapidly when the breathing stabilizes, and this patient is also the case. Her symptoms of depression and insomnia were cured, although there was no drug prescribed for this patient that directly affected neurological symptoms. As her breathing and digestion began to stabilize, her symptoms of depression and insomnia were cured.
Yin Tang and Shen Men (HT 7)
Treats insomnia with the effect of mental stabilization.
Lie Que (LU 7) and Zhao Hai (KI 6)
Stabilizes breathing by affecting the throat and the chest.
Nei Guan (PC6) and Gong Son (SP 4)
A combination of acupuncture points that treat various stomach diseases.
He Gu (LI 4) and Tai Chong (LR 3)
A renowned combination of acupuncture points that relaxes tensions.