Foot injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Heel pain, Bunions, plantar fascia strain, Metatarsal Fractures, Morton’s Syndrome, Metatarsalgia, Turf Toe, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Achilles tendon bursitis, Midtarsal Joint Sprain, etc.
Ankle sprain, Broken ankle, High ankle sprain, Shin splints, Calf strain, Achilles tendon rupture, Achilles tendinopathy, Sever’s disease, Anterior compartment syndrome, Peroneal tendinopathy, Cramp
Knee Pain, Patella pain syndrome, ACL injury, Iliotibial band syndrome, Jumper’s knee, Osgood schlatters disease, Posterior cruciate ligament injury, Medial cartilage meniscus injury, Medial ligament injury, Osteoarthritis, Housemaids knee, Articular cartilage injury, Quadriceps tendon inflammation, Bakers cyst, Knee surgery
Hamstring strain, Tight hamstrings, Hamstring origin tendinopathy, Quadriceps strain, Quadriceps contusion, Myositis ossificans, Rectus femoris rupture, Stress fracture of the femur
Groin strain, Gilmores groin Inflammation of the groin muscles, Hernias, Osteitis pubis, Hip bursitis, Labral tear, Snapping hip
Piriformis syndrome, Sciatica, Sacroiliac joint pain, Myofascial pain & trigger points, Ischiogluteal bursitis
Lower back pain, Lumbago, Scoliosis, Sciatica, Facet joint pain, Muscle strains, Slipped disc
Neck pain, Whiplash, Cervical posture syndromes, Scheuermann’s disease
Facial injuries, Concussion, Headaches
Abdominal strain, Hernia, Fracture of the ribs, Breast pain, Sternoclavicular joint sprain, Referred pain from the thoracic spine, Costochondritis / Tietze’s Syndrome, Stress fracture of the ribs
Shoulder pain, Rotator cuff injury, Dislocated shoulder, Impingement syndrome, Clavicle fracture, AC joint injury, Frozen shoulder, Inflammation of biceps long head, Winged scapula
Tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Triceps tendon rupture, Hyperextension injury, Students elbow
Wrist bursitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Repetitive strain injuries, Fractured scaphoid, Metacarpal fracture, Sprained thumb, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis